The greenhouse gas reduction quota
What is the GHG quota?
The greenhouse gas reduction quota, a government instrument
With the help of this climate protection measure, an incentive is to be created to use alternative fuels and thereby reduce the nationwide emissions. CO2 emissions can be reduced in various sectors, for example in transport. For this reason, the GHG quota is highly relevant for electromobility.
CO2-emissions in Germany by sector
In order to drive CO2 reduction, consumption in the different sectors must first be analysed. This can be divided into the following areas: Energy, Industry, Transport, Households, Agriculture, Trade and Commerce and Waste.
CO2-consumption by sector (as of 2016):
37,8 % Energy industry
20,7 % Industry
18,2 % Transport
10,2 % Households
7,8 % Agriculture
4,2 % Trade and commerce
1,2 % Waste

Within the framework of the Federal Climate Protection Act, binding greenhouse gas reduction targets were set for the years up to 2045. The goals of the federal government are to reduce German greenhouse gas emissions (mainly CO2) by 65 % by 2030 compared to 1990 emissions, by 88 % by 2040 and to achieve climate neutrality by 2045.
Emissions by substance
Within the framework of the Federal Climate Protection Act, binding greenhouse gas reduction targets were set for the years up to 2045. The goals of the federal government are to reduce German greenhouse gas emissions (mainly CO2) by 65 % by 2030 compared to 1990 emissions, by 88 % by 2040 and to achieve climate neutrality by 2045.

The principle of GHG quota trading
Statutory target value: reference value - defined quota.
The target value is the basis for determining the positive or negative GHG balance.
GHG balance: fuels * baseline value
The GHG balance represents the comparative value to the specified target value.
GHG balance < target value
A positive GHG balance results in financial rewards and certificates, thus creating a financial advantage.
GHG balance > target value
A negative GHG balance results in the generation or purchase of positive GHG allowances, creating a financial disadvantage.

Sustainable revenues through
GHG reduction quotas, storage and RE plants
Commercial enterprises can tap into a lucrative source of revenue with photovoltaics, battery storage and electric charging stations if they can automate the complex optimisations. Intraday trading and greenhouse gas reduction quotas are the new buzzwords.
As an Energy World customer, you benefit from a sophisticated operating concept for charging systems. We supply green electricity, generate GHG quotas and market storage.